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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

War is not the answer!

American war drums continue beating against Russia.

The Russian massing of troops at the Ukrainian border continues to be justification for the beating of the drums of war in the US, in the media and by Democrats in the halls of Congress. What the US media does not inform the American people about is that the Russian nation has a justifiable fear about the expansion of NATO to surround Russia. It is the US and their European partners in NATO that pose a military threat and are the aggressors, perhaps leading to a nuclear confrontation between the two nuclear powers, a confrontation which cannot end well for the peoples of the world.

Columnist Norm Solomon writes about the drum beat and the likely consequences of war between the United States and his article: The United States to Russia: Do as We say, Not as We Do. Included in this column is a link to the historical records of what Russia was promised when the US, Russia and others were negotiating the unification of East and West Germany - the US and allies promised Russia that NATO would not move " one step closer to Russia." Yet following that time, it has moved right up to the border of Russia, engulfing most of the former Soviet bloc nations of eastern Europe. And now the United State is not willing to seriously negotiate with Russia.

In the meantime, a bill (S3488 & HR6470: Defending Ukraine Sovereignty Act of 2022) is being promoted by Democrats in Congress which would authorize the President to impose economic sanctions on Russia. Our Senators Merkley and Wyden are both co-sponsors, while none of our OR Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors of the House version.

All co-sponsors in the House and Senate are Democrats except for one Independent in the Senate. Please contact Senators Wyden and Merkley, asking them to remove themselves from the list of co-sponsors. Find their contact information here.

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