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Saturday, September 14, 2024
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Seymour Hersh on the "horrific" Harris Foreign Policy
September 11, 2024
The vice president remains committed to Biden's failing foreign policy
Read on SubstackMonday, June 17, 2024
New War Budget - larger than the last - again
*Action in Congress for a new bigger military/war budget*
Congress yesterday enacted the war budget authorization bill (HR8070)
for fy2025
*The total authorized is $895.3 billion*.
That was an increase from last year’s authorization of $883.70 billion of $11.6 billion, in just one year.
The vote was 217 yes vs 199 no. All OR Democrats voted NO, including Andrea Salinas who last year voted in favor of the authorization with the OR Republicans. On this vote, both OR Republicans voted in favor. If you are in Washington state, Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez ( R ) voted Yes. She is the US Representative for southern WA, including Vancouver.
While votes on these authorization bills are usually overwhelmingly in favor, the Republicans added many poison-pill amendments which the Democrats could not accept. Therefore, many Democrats voted No as a result, not necessarily because they opposed the military war budget.
More details on the votes themselves are available here: H.R. 8070:Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National DefenseAuthorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 --
Now is great time to call or otherwise contact your US Senator, urging that they vote No on the NDAA bill when it comes for a vote. Contact info is available here: U.S. Senate: Senators
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Marc Koller endorsed for Portland City Council by Dr. Cornel West; Donate to Marc's campaign
But before he can acquire those public funds, he needs to qualify.
And that is where you come in.
Please donate a small contribution to his campaign Please go to his website
>) and make a small donation of between $5 and $250 dollars. The first $20
dollars will be matched from the Clean Elections funds.
He needs a total of
250 unique individuals to contribute.
You could be one!
Thursday, January 4, 2024
$886 B for war approved for 2024 budget
$886Billion for war in 2024
Both the US House and US Senate have adopted the new budget for the agents of war in America for 2024 – that budget is $886 Billions, while the proposed Biden expenditures for supplying Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan with another $105 billion os ssto;; be debated in Congress.
Also, in Congress waiting for action is another $25 billion for special requests from the military services.
That is over $1 Trillion dollars. The bill (HR2670, S2226) for the $889 has already been signed by Pres. Biden. The $889 amount is an increase of 3% over last years budget ($28 billion).
The vote in Congress was 220Y/208N with more Democrats voting in favor than Republicans (163 D; 147 R). Only 45 D voted N). All Oregon Democrats voted No except for Rep. Salinas who voted Yes with the Oregon Republicans. See for details. The vote in the Senate was 87 Y to 13 N. Oregon Senators Wyden and Merkley both voted NO. Only three states had both their senators voting NO, MA, OR and VT. See for details.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Portland Anti-War/Pro-peace sign holding - change in schedule
Note that change in time. We have been starting at 4, ending at 5:30. But with the ending of daylight saving time, those times will have us there in the dark, at least in part. So moving forward, we will move the begin time to 3 PM.
Hope you can join us. I will bring signs so no need to make your own.
Another Sign holding opportunity. Add this to your schedule. Several people have said they can hold these same signs on the fourth Thursday each month at 82nd and SE Division, meeting at the corner by Portland Community College. Time will be 3 - 4:30 PM. Again I will bring our signs so you don't need to do that. David Delk, OPP State Council
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Democratic Party of Oregon Platform Supports Putting Nuclear Power Plants in Oregon
The near-final draft of the 2023-24 Platform of the Democratic Party of Oregon includes this demand upon the government and taxpayers of Oregon:
Fund research into nuclear energy for deployment here in Oregon to reduce our reliance on hydro power which hampers our natural waterways and further reduce our carbon footprint.Oregon voters in 1980 passed a statewide ballot measure to ban the siting of nuclear power plants in Oregon, until and unless there is a long-term solution for disposal of their radioactive wastes. No solution exists. So why should taxpayers fund research on something that is banned (and in any event is unreliable and absurdly expensive)? The chart below is from the International Renewable Energy Agency of the United Nations and from the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations:
Saturday, September 2, 2023
New Anti-War/Pro-peace group hits streets of Portland
Our new group of anti-war/pro-peace sign holders will have our first gathering on Saturday, Sept. 2 starting at 4:30 PM and ending at 6 PM.
We gather at the east end of the Burnside Bridge by the car dealership. I will bring signs.
Dawn will bring a Veterans for Peace flag to draw attention.
We are good to start now. Hope you all can make it.
Transportation and parking: Parking is always tight in that area but there should be street parking available on a Saturday evening.
If you want to take public transit, these buses pass that corner on Burnside, The #12 (Sandy), #19 (Glisan) and #20 (Burnside). And then on Grand Ave and Martin Luther King Blvd, the #6 (Martin Luther King). And then the last option is the B Loop of the Portland Street Car as well as the A loop of the Portland Street Car which is very close. So lots of options coming via Tri-met.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Governor Kotek Vetoes Bill to Study Creation of State Bank
Governor Kotek Vetoes Bill to Study Creation of State Bank
That includes $223 million in “an Israeli company whose smartphone spyware has been used against dissidents, human rights defenders and journalists by repressive regimes” and “two prison companies that run immigrant detention facilities.” -- Associated Press (November 19, 2019)
Wall Street's most rewarding investment is its investment in politicians.
Sunday, July 30, 2023
OPP supported bill (HB2762)for State Bank study commission to be vetoed by Governor Kotek
Oregon Progressive Party legal advisor, Dan Meek, submitted this letter to the Governor.
The State of Oregon has over $115 billion of investment funds, much placed with those bankers and operators. They charge Oregon huge fees (not disclosed), likely over $1 billion annually, and invest almost 100% in businesses outside of Oregon.
That includes $223 million in “an Israeli company whose smartphone spyware has been used against dissidents, human rights defenders and journalists by repressive regimes” and “two prison companies that run immigrant detention facilities.” -- Associated Press (November 19, 2019)
Oregon and its counties, cities, and districts also pay to Wall Street huge fees of about 5% of the $3 billion in public works bonds floated annually.
So Wall Street gets paid to take our money and then gets paid again to loan it back to us.
Eject the middle men: create a STATE BANK OF OREGON to avoid fees and use our investment funds for Oregon-based public works, housing, small business opportunities. Local governments should borrow needed funds from our State Bank at much lower interest rates. See
I learned that you are considering vetoing HB 2763, which would at least start the ball rolling with a study.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Senate Approves $886 billion war budget for FY2024
Once again Oregon's two Senators voted NO.
Others voting no included both Senators from MA (Sen. Markley and Warren) and VT (Sen. Sanders and Welch). In the past Oregon has been the only or one of two states where both Senators voted No. Oregon has frequently been joined by MA).
Once again the No votes were strongly out numbered by the Yes votes. The 11 No votes were 6 Democrats, 4 Republicans and 1 Independent (Bernie Sanders). The Yes votes were almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. See the Vote record:
Sen Sanders amendment to cut the budget by 10% was defeated by 88 No to 11 Yes. Amoung the Yes votes to cutting the budget were OR Senators Merkley and Wyden, VT Senators Sanders and MA Senators Warren and Markey. See the vote record
Neither Sen Merkley nor Sen Wyden issued a press release explaining their vote.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Sen Sanders/Rep. Scott introduce $17 minimum wage bill into Congress
The bill name is Raise the Wage Act of 2023; it was cosponsored by 146 members of Congress and 29 Senators. We don't know yet who those co-sponsors are. Nor do we know the bill number.
More details of the bill are available in this Common Dreams article:
Read the text of the bill here:
Read the Economic Policy Institute's analysis of the bill here:
But is $17/hour enough?
While there is great reason to welcome this move by Sanders and Scott to increase the federal min. wage to $17/hour over the course of 5 years, we must recognize that $17/hour is not a livable wage. A livable wage that would afford the ability to rent an apartment should be $21 to $24 per hour.
Rebecca Gordon puts some perspective on this question of a livable wage in this article, also from Common Dreams:
The bill numbers are S2488 in the Senate and HB 4889 in the House.
Here in Oregon Reps. Blumenauer, Bonamici, Hoyle, are all cosponsors. Andrea Salinas is missing and needs to be encouraged to add herself to the list of co-sponsors. Naturally, the two Republicans from Oregon are not co-sponsors, that is Chavez-DeFemer and Bentz. In the US Senate, both Sens. Merklley and Wyden are co-sponsors. Overall there are 150 House members listed with 29 Senators, all Democrats.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Sen Sanders to vote No on new $886 B war budget
Op-ed link:
I am going to copy and mail it to our two Senators and my US Representative Earl Blumenauer, asking them to follow Sen. Sanders' lead and vote No also. And I will further ask them to issue press releases following their vote explaining their vote, in favor or opposed.
Find their addresses here:
Friday, July 14, 2023
House approves $886 billion war budget for FY2024
The House last night approved the National Defense Authorization Bill (HR2670) to provide funding for the Dept of Defense and other war making agencies of the federal government, including some very right-wing amendments offered by Republicans. Here is the story: Amendments from progressive members of Congress were removed from the final bill.
Now the Senate needs to enact their version, and assuming that it will be different from the House version it will go to a joint committee of the House and Senate for negotiations and working out a final version for both the House and Senate to approve (or not). This process is on a fast track for completion asap.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Thursday, March 16, 2023
OR People's Rebate - start collecting signatures for our more economically just future in Oregon
Oregon Progressive Party will soon start collecting voter signatures on the OR Peoples' Rebate proposed ballot initiative. (Oregon Peoples' Rebate)
David e. Delk | 503.232.5495 | Alliance for Democracy | Oregon Progressive Party |

Saturday, February 11, 2023
Ranked Choice Voting in Oregon
The Oregon Progressive Party issued this statement today regarding their support for Ranked Choice Voting:
"The Oregon Progressive Party supports the use of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in the conduct of all elections – both federal and state, primary and General elections – in Oregon. Ranked Choice Voting is an improvement on the conduct of our elections, eliminating the so-called spoiler effect of our present first-past-the-post elections, RCV allows the voter to choice their favorite candidate without worry that by doing so they can be charged with wasting your vote. RCV encourages more candidates to run for office, especially minority candidates. And RCV is very popular with voters. At the ballot recently, voters in both Multnomah County and the City of Portland joined voters in Benton county in approving the use of RCV. It is time for the approval of ranked choice voting in all elections in Oregon. "
Friday, February 3, 2023
Friday, November 25, 2022
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink, at First Unitarian Church on Wed. Nov 16 7 - 9 PM.
Join Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink, as she talks about her new book, War In Ukraine, Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, at the First Unitarian Church on Wed. Nov 16 from 7 - 9 PM.
Friday, November 4, 2022
Nov 2022 OR Progressive Party monthly newsletter
The Oregon Progressive Party November 2022 Newsletter is available now here.
Read about new American war efforts, OR Progressive Party candidates on November 2022 ballot, new efforts to get ballot initiatives to limits big special interest money out of our elections, and more.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Will Democrats Ever Wake Up to the Need for Campaign Finance Reform in Oregon?
Now that Phil Knight (retired from Nike) has contributed $3.75 million to Betsy Johnson (NAV) and $1 million to Christine Drazen (R), the Democrats appear to be waking up to the need for campaign finance reform in Oregon. Too late.
The Democrats have been in control of the Oregon Legislature since 2007 (except for the even split in 2011) and have controlled the Governor's Office since 1987. They have adopted zero limits on campaign contributions and almost entirely meaningless tagline requirements on political advertisements (after repealing Oregon's previous tagline requirements in 2001).
Now the Democrats are being outspent 2-1 in the Governor's race by the opponents. All rely heavily on gigantic contributions.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Paravicini Withdraws as Governor Nominee
She notes new commitment to campaign finance reform by
Tina Kotek. Other
candidates for Governor lack this commitment.August 30, 2022
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Democrats Massively Screw Up Electric Vehicle Tax Credits, Harm the Environment
The Democrat's "Inflation Reduction Act" actually drastically cuts the availability of federal tax credits for electric vehicles (EVs), effectively eliminating them for all new EVs.
There are 72 EV models currently available for purchase in the United States including battery, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles. Seventy percent of those EVs would immediately become ineligible when the bill passes and none would qualify for the full credit when additional sourcing requirements go into effect [2023]. Zero.
The $7,500 credit might exist on paper, but no vehicles will qualify for this purchase incentive over the next few years
John Bozzella, Alliance for Automotive Innovation
Also see If you want an electric car, buy one this week